Identification of Quality of Complex Flavour Mixtures Used in Meat Industry
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Multifunctional complex flavour mixtures, which simplify and speed up food production, are of great importance in the meat processing industry. The aim of the research was to identify the quality of complex food spice mixes prepared by a producer. It was found that the compositions of the grill spice mix met the regulations in terms of organoleptic, physical, and chemical parameters. The garlic mixture sample revealed the presence of edible salt, not declared by the manufacturer. Dietary fiber was present in all the mixes under study. Garlic 1:6 sample differed from the other complex additives by the increased content of Al, Li, Mg, P, Si, Sr, Te, as well as the presence of Mo, Ti, V, and W. The ‘grill spice mix’ had relatively high amounts of Ca, Cr, and Fe, but did not contain detectable amount of Si, declared by the manufacturer as part of E551. The composition of the grill spice mix stood out because of the high content of Mn, Na, and Zn, an aroma mixture – Cu. It should be noted that E627 and E631 flavor enhancers were found in an aroma mixture, whereas E450 stabilizer and emulsifier was found in a grill aroma mixture. According to a number of experts, these components pose a threat to the human body as they can cause intestinal and stomach disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to understand which food additives need to be excluded from a person’s diet, which are especially dangerous, and which are safe to consume from time to time in small quantities as part of meat products.
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